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Revision as of 14:26, 14 February 2023 by Ryndean (talk | contribs) (→‎Venore)

World Map


Rookgaard is an island located in the bay of Thais and the location newly created players arrive to learn basic Tibia gameplay before progressing to the less-forgiving Mainland.
However, some people prefer the casual environment of Rookgaard and stay there instead of heading to the mainland. Those people will be able to find new places to explore and quests to solve.

Free Account Towns


The land of busy government where King Tibianus lives. They see themselves as the capital of all of Tibia.


Ruled by women and Queen Eloise. Not many monsters invade this town and they are far away from it.


A town built on a swamp. This town is based on economy and sells many items, making it an ideal choice of living in. Many monsters are lured near the path to Venore, for example Giant Spiders, Dragons and other evil creatures because of its proximity to the Plains of Havoc.


The land of elves and nature. This is where many elves live


The homeland of all dwarves that was created by the enormous giants and cyclopses millions of years ago

Premium Account Towns


A big and peaceful island east of Tibia. Famous for their extraordinary magicians who work and experiment with spells in Noodles Academy of Modern Magic. Many unknown and dangerous creatures hide in the deep dungeons on this island!


The first town that was discovered on the desert island Darama. Ruled by the Caliph Kazzan.

Port Hope

A town in the jungle, famous for their ancient ruins, and beautiful but dangerous fauna and flora. Located west from Ankrahmun.


A desert town, famous for their ancient pyramids and located in southern Darama.