Magic Longsword

From Nostalther Violet Wiki
Name: Magic Longsword
Atk: 55
Def: 40
Description: It's the magic Cyclopmania Sword.
Weight: 43.0
Hands: Two-handed
Dropped by: None.
Buy from: Players.
Sell to: H.L (Outlaw Camp) (460 gp)
Notes: Also known as the Cyclopmania Sword, Cyc Sword and Godslayer. It is not known if it is obtainable.

The ingame legend is as follows:
Many many years ago the evil god Brog enslaved Cyclopes to smith weapons for his perilous armies. In secrecy, the smiths created this powerful weapon in order to commit mutiny against their captor. They failed at the task of slaying Brog, however he was heavily wounded. Filled with unspeakable rage he cast the sword down into the lands of Tibia to be lost forever. While buried in Brog's flesh, it became covered with his horrible blood, which hardened the blade and enchanted the Godslayer with unmatched power. However, a dark curse has been cast upon the blade causing its owner to become stricken with awesome madness and horrible luck. It is said nothing good can come to he who possesses the mystical blade.

The Magic Longsword first entered Tibia when Arieswar, Taghor and another very powerful person at that time were exploring the Plains of Havoc in search of a way to enter Knightwatch Tower, with the knowledge that picks would now open new holes. This was discovered by Taghor when, after an update, he went running around the areas surrounding Carlin and found a hole. He went down the hole and found Guido down there, who told him to go away. Taghor decided to return later only to find the hole was no longer there. Taghor began doing everything to the spot where the hole had been and eventually tried the pick.
After discovering the room currently known for containing the Ornamented Shield quest, they noticed a body under a fire field. Inside this body was a key to the Knightwatch Tower, a book, some assorted junk, and an item with a plain sword graphic. Upon further inspection of this sword, one-handed with attack 80 and defense 60, they soon realized just what they had stumbled upon. Taghor received a Magic Sword as compensation and attempts were made to keep this discovery quiet. Less than a week went by before Guido, furious that a map editor had hidden this weapon for himself, angrily demanded the weapon.